Tuesday, December 20, 2011

mannequin mania and some gleaned cloth

After years of thinking about it I finally got a dressmakers mannequin for the workroom...I so often get stuck or don't do things because I don't have one, so I'm hoping that this will transform my work.
I purchased a full body form from tinnafashion, a place which pen put me onto (ta ducks!)...it came last week, with an unfortunately broken base, but their service was fantastic and they personally delivered a new one that night.

Here she is alongside Claudette who I introduced a while back...I was already calling the new girl manny, so I thought I would officially name her Manuella Santos, Manny for short after this degrassi character!

I started trying some things on Manny...I was developing a garment shape from the apron panels when I last utilised Claudette, and a few different forms emerged, one being a dress using four apron panels (two for the front, two for the back)...

This is made from the poly backing cloth with the print strike-through that I showed when I was taking stock of some of my remnants...

I've created a series of garments which experiment with variations on this technique - this is a top version using the same print of gemma hunting bees which pen made an apron from :o)  I've been trying to work out how to photograph my gathering of garments and where I might go next...

I'm always photographing views of the garden from the workroom, but today I felt like doing the opposite and snapped pics of this years parsley and glimpses of last years in garment form...I've been  getting in the habit of pulling focus more and more - this is evocative of something which I was playing with here...

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