Where have I been? I hardly know myself...too many everyday things and holidays getting in the way!
We went down to P's families holiday house for "Oystralya Dai" (last Thursday,
quote Pen!), and spent the weekend...I didn't get back till Monday night...
But we had lots of fun, and did more renos which are now nearly done, yippee! But onto beans now...firstly a bean shaped Gemma pet on the bed at Rye (couldn't resist!)...
But what I really want to get to is the beans in the garden. We had lots of broadbeans back in December...
Which were yum when I cooked them with my meatball dish
The purple king beans growing alongside the espaliered citrus trees on the back of the house were growing beautifully at the start...
And we were picking some lovely beans too...
But a few weeks back I noticed that not many more beans were coming and the leaves were looking poorly with some browning off. On close inspection I discovered tiny aphids on the undersides of the leaves. I've never seen these ones before, they were almost invisible and almost like a coating of sticky green. I'm not into spraying at all, even with a soap spray and I'm glad I didn't because some ladybirds moved in and then a week later I could see their larvae, which are so small it's hard to take a pic of them!
These beans are pretty much a write off now, but there were a few flowers that are developing into beans now, so fingers crossed!
I have the next lot of beans planted out the front, and they are looking good, so it doesn't really matter so much. I have the attitude (and this is true of the
ratty issue and this
seasons plum situation too), that I'll take what I can, or reasonably should, and if other creatures or plants in the system need to do this too, that's ok, it's a bit of give and take. Having said that, it is just as well that I'm not relying on my garden for absolute subsistence! But I'm learning from what does and doesn't work, conducting the garden activities in a more orderly manner now and documenting the process, which should all help as I trundle along. Oh, and mentioning the rats again...the games continue as when I came back from Rye all of the half developed corn cobs had been stripped from the stalks. When the dogs are away the rats will play....oh the woe of these before and after shots!

The doggles have been going nuts trying to get into the fenced garden now...my bet, clever rat knows it's the only place in the garden they can't get to! Gems and Hugs can get their heads quite a way through this mesh if they want to and are now destroying whatever plant matter within reach in the effort to get to rattus. Note to self...need smaller gauge mesh!